Collins Osayamwen

Collins Osayamwen is a Certified Facility Manager and consultant with over 20 years of international experience in policy design and implementation of projects in various sectors, including Public Private Partnership models. He is the Managing Partner/Senior consultant of SheltercareFM Consult based in Nigeria.

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IFMA: Competency #11 – Operations and Maintenance

Operations and maintenance (O&M) is one of the facility manager’s primary roles and focuses on how the facility’s infrastructure is used and managed. Operations focus on the continual use and management of the facility’s infrastructure. Maintenance focuses on the scheduling and conducting of predictive, preventive and corrective maintenance activities.

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IFMA: Competency #9 – Finance and Business

Finance is the use, interpretation and management of information related to the financial operation of the facility. This includes the development, use and interpretation of financial data in any form, e.g., reports, spreadsheets, computer printouts, budgets, proformas, cost statements, ratios and more. Business is the use, interpretation and management of documents related to the administration and management of contracts, service providers and leases, including lease agreements, business cases, charge backs and procurement policies and procedures.

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