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IFMA: Competency #11 – Operations and Maintenance

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  • Post last modified:June 30, 2020

Operations and Maintenance is one of the eleven competency areas as identified by the International Facility Management Association’s global job task analyses.

What is Operations and Maintenance?

Operations and maintenance (O&M) is one of the facility manager’s primary roles and focuses on how the facility’s infrastructure is used and managed. Operations focus on the continual use and management of the facility’s infrastructure. Maintenance focuses on the scheduling and conducting of predictive, preventive and corrective maintenance activities.

Why is Operations and Maintenance important?

  • Operations: workplace needs to comply with laws and regulations, meet financial performance goals, reflect efficient utility services and costs, and protect the surrounding community and environment.
  • Maintenance: Building systems, structures, interiors, exteriors and grounds need to be efficient, reliable and safe.

How the Operations and Maintenance competency helps the Facility Manager

  • Helps to effectively manage and oversee an operating facility.
  • Contribute to financial goals.
  • Comply with laws and regulations.
  • Protect the community and environment.
  • Provide a satisfactory workplace environment.


  1. Assess the condition of the facility interiors and exteriors by conducting regular inspections, issue analysis and problem solving.
  2. Manage the operation and maintenance of building systems.
  3. Develop maintenance contract specifications.
  4. Determine life cycle costs.
  5. Schedule predictive, preventive and corrective maintenance activities.
  6. Plan and implement an automated work order system.
  7. Identify predictive maintenance activities such as vibration analysis and infrared scanning of electrical panels, roofs and building facades.

The Competency Areas

All the 11 competency areas are:


Image credit: Clker-Free-Vector-Images from Pixabay

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