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IFMA: Competency #1 – Technology

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  • Post last modified:June 30, 2020

Technology is one of the eleven competency areas as identified by the International Facility Management Association’s global job task analyses.

What is Technology?

Technology is the electronic infrastructure of the facility that includes hardware, software, cables, sensors and fiber optics.

Why is technology important?

  • Technology can increase the value of the organization’s assets.
  • “Big data” allows senior management to see exactly how their organizations are performing in terms of efficiency, productivity and sustainability.
  • Technology helps control:
    • Cash flow.
    • Energy consumption.
    • Temperature.
    • Humidity.
    • Lighting.
    • Operation of buildings and grounds.

How the Technology Competency helps the Facility Manager

Competency helps the facility manager:

  • Ensure that facility management technology is aligned with organizational technology.
  • Evaluate technology to ensure it meets operational, environmental, space and security requirements.
  • Dispose technology in environmentally responsible ways.


  1. Monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of the work management systems.
  2. Monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of the building automation systems.
  3. Assess the application of technology within facility operation
  4. Operate integrated workplace management systems (IWMS).
  5. Align facility data with organizational strategies. Facility management data must be collected based upon agreed upon definitions and validated to ensure that the entries are correct.

Note: A successful facility management program ensures full data integration providing tactical information so that the organization can make strategic business decisions for both human and physical assets.

The Competency Areas

All the 11 competency areas are:

Image credit: FunkyFocus from Pixabay

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