Quality is one of the eleven competency areas as identified by the International Facility Management Association’s global job task analyses.
What is Quality?
Quality is the process of confirming customer expectations with the use of standards and metrics.
Why is quality important?
- Customers have desired expectations for the facility and the facility’s services.
- Start with facility managers having a good understanding of customers and their needs.
How the Quality competency helps the facility manager
- Incorporate quality measurements into core processes.
- Gain a deeper understanding of customer needs.
- Find new ways to make work easier.
- Apply standards to the facility organization.
- Work smarter to yield better service, financial and operating results.
- Understand the role of codes and standards in the delivery of facility management services.
- Develop performance metrics for facility management services:
- Quality requirements.
- Service response.
- Resolution times.
- Task completion rate.
- Complaint numbers.
- Satisfaction rate.
- Understand the need for compliance with codes, regulations, policies and standards. Monitor customer satisfaction and provide feedback to customers. Collect, verify, analyze, and report internal facility management data for:
- Utilities.
- Work orders.
- Work history.
- Product and/or Equipment quality failures.
- Warranty work by vendors or contractors.
- Downtime.
The Competency Areas
All the 11 competency areas are:
Kazeem Olugbade, ProFM, is a facility management professional who has extensive knowledge and skills in the subject areas.
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